anuary 3, 2016
This is a great post from my friend Pearse. A great review of 2015 and some interesting thoughts for 2016. Enjoy!
Hi all, hope everyone had a nice celebration for new years.
So lets start off with the good news, look below to see how the world markets performed this year. This chart is not correct as it excludes the real star performer.
The definition of a developed market economy is that it must be high income, but this also includes openness to foreign ownership, ease of capital movement, and efficiency of market institutions.
As of September 2014, Dow Jones added Ireland to its list of 26 countries which are termed ‘Developed’. FTSE on 31st of December 2008, MCSI on 20 February 2015, Russell on May 2013 and S&P on September 2014.
The staggering thing is that the best performing developed market on the planet is Ireland. The ISEQ20 went from 1088.05 to 1460.82. An unbelieveable gain of 34.26%. Nearly 3 times better than its nearest rival.
We would all think…
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